Love (and Toilet Paper) in the Time of Corona
The news changes, becomes more dire day by day. We’re all feeling stressed out. We’re all losing parts of our lives in various ways. In the midst of this, I want to remind us of who we are, of who Christians have been for many centuries.
But this post didn’t start out this way. A few days ago, I wrote about the toilet paper hoarding. It felt crazy. And in some ways it is and was. When Australia had just 100 cases of Co-Vid-19, with a death rate of 2, people cleaned out the stores of toilet paper. And so it has gone around the world.
How to Handle a Mutiny
When you face a mutiny—-sometimes you just give in. You relinquish control. You bow your head. You give in to this force that is larger than you. And you hold your hands open even as you hang on for your very life . . .. What will come? What will God do now? I do not know. I am scared, excited . . . These truly are the Years of Wonder . . . What new thing is God doing in your life?
Help me launch Hope and Goodness into the World?
Here’s the news in print: My launch team is gathering TODAY and tomorrow! Would you consider being a part of it? Our goal---to let people know YOUR STORY MATTERS! And to help them find, write and live the truth of their life. My ideal launch team members……love to read.…enjoy using Facebook.
My Dog Died (and then we got a snake)
This is a happy story, nearly all the way through. No hankie needed, I promise. (And stay tuned for the snake.) First, the dog. Sophie, a Yorkshire terrier was eleven. She died in Kodiak in the fall, before the snow fell. I wasn’t there when she passed. Which was a mercy. I loved her. She had many loves besides me. She loved chasing weasels out at fish camp. She loved riding in the skiff, sticking her nose in the air like dogs do out of car windows.